Danny Ghitis

Danny Ghitis

Danny Ghitis is a Brooklyn-based Principal with Do-Ceo Training, a life coach and organizational development trainer. His work is centered around helping high-achieving professionals untether themselves from social conditioning and limiting paradigms that restrict growth in order to achieve more deeply satisfying and value-based goals. His clients are located across the US and include a wide range of industries and subject matter, such as leadership presence, effective communication in relationships, entrepreneurship, parenting and others. He received an advanced coaching diploma at New York University, followed by studies at The Flourishing Center where he became a Certified Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP) practitioner and Bounce Back Better Resilience Trainer. He is accredited by the ICF as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC), and is a coach with Mind Gym. 

Before his coaching journey began, Danny spent 15 years as a professional photojournalist, and was a frequent contributor to The New York Times. His work, which was published internationally and won several prestigious industry awards, included projects in India, Poland, across the United States and Latin America. In New York, he was granted intimate access to an uncommon variety of people, including both the mega-successful and downtrodden of society. His fascination with cultural identity, memory, and personality drove his narrative style, and also helped him understand his own role in the world. He continues to believe in the importance of self-improvement, both for himself and to serve others. 

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